Homework (Year 5)
Welcome to the Year 5 Homework Page!
This year we have decided to use our website for children to access their homework. We feel this is more environmentally friendly and it will ensure that we are not handling unnecessary paper. If this is a problem for you, then please inform your child’s class teacher.
Now that your child is in Upper School, we would like them to complete as much of their homework as possible independently. We have designed the homework so that your child can work at their ability, as well as giving them the opportunity to challenge themselves more if they feel that they can. The homework format will look similar each week, enabling the children to become more and more confident with it. Each week they will be expected to complete six maths questions (Maths Speedy Six) which reflect the questions that they are asked to complete every day in their Morning Maths (which is also completed independently). The purpose of these activities is to encourage a continuous recall of maths facts, which will help prepare them for Year 6, as well as building key foundation blocks.
In addition to the maths questions, we may also ask pupils to complete a quick comprehension activity. The purpose of which is to enhance their reading skills, improve their understanding of what they have read and boost their reading stamina. We still expect pupils to read at least five times per week and to record this in their Home-School Link book, as it states in our home-school agreement. Anything above this quantity of five times will allow your child the chance to achieve a Platinum Reading Award. Reading Link books will need to be brought in every day to be checked. Reading is such a vital part to a child’s learning and something we actively promote at Herne. Unfortunately, if they do not have their booked signed consistently then they will lose some of their Values Time.
Occasionally, you may find an optional Maths question for the children to complete for extra Housepoints. This will normally be a word problem or multi-step question. It is up to the children whether they want to complete this.
There will also be a list of spellings for your child to learn. They will be guided as to which list they need to learn from their class teacher so that they are working at their level. They do not need to show evidence of having learnt their spellings but can use their Homework Books if they wish to. There is a Spelling Menu where they can choose activities if they are looking for ideas (Find it here). They will be tested on their spellings each week. If we find that they are getting consistently low scores, then we will ask to see evidence of their practising.
Sometimes, we might ask for additional research tasks or projects to be completed. This may be because the research around this subject is vital in order to complete a lesson in class. Independence is one of our School Values so we try to promote this in our learning as much as possible.
Key Information
Homework will be set on a Friday and should be returned on the following Friday. The due in date is clearly shown on the homework. The children will be self-marking their homework on a Friday (the LSAs will check that it is in) and the class teacher will be collecting in scores. If your child does not bring in their homework, then they may be asked to do it during a designated lunchtime or during Values Time.
Times tables books (for those who have been told by their teacher to use them) are also due in on Friday to be checked by the class LSA. They will be tested on their times tables each week.
If your child is struggling to complete their homework, then please encourage them to speak to their class teacher before it is due in. Alternatively, you could contact the school office or email the class teacher.
You support with learning at home is vital in helping them learn and make progress at school too.
Many thanks,
The Year 5 Team
Autumn Homework
Week Beginning | Main Homework | Extra Tasks |
Week 1Homework Set - 13/9/2024 Homework Due In - 20/9/2024 (Space project due on the 27th) |
Week 2Homework Set - 20/9/2024 Homework Due In - 27/9/2024 |
Week 3Homework Set - 27/9/2024 Homework Due In - 4/10/2024 |
Week 4Homework Set - 4/10/2024 Homework Due In - 11/10/2024 |
Core 3 |
Week 5Homework Set - 11/10/2024 Homework Due In - 18/10/2024 |
Week 6Homework Set - 18/10/2024 Homework Due In - 25/10/2024 |
Week 7Homework Set - 8/11/2024 Homework Due In - 15/11/2024 |
Week 8Homework Set - 15/11/2024 Homework Due In - 22/11/2024 |
Egyptian Task | |
Week 9Homework Set - 22/11/2024 Homework Due In - 29/11/2024 |
Egyptian Task |
Week 10Homework Set - 29/11/2024 Homework Due In - 6/12/2024 |
Egyptian Task | |
Week 11Homework Set - 6/12/2024 Homework Due In - 13/12/2024 |
Questions |
Week 12Homework Set - 09/12/2022 |
This week we would like the children with lines in the Christmas service to practise them as homework. We would also like everyone to make sure that they know the words to the songs. |
Song Words |
Spring Homework
Week Beginning | Main Homework | Extra Tasks |
Week 1Homework Set - 10/1/2025 Homework Due In - 17/1/2025 |
Reading |
Week 2Homework Set - 17/1/2025 Homework Due In - 24/1/2025 |
Reading |
Week 3Homework Set - 24/1/2025 Homework Due In - 31/1/2025 |
Week 4Homework Set - 31/1/2025 Homework Due In - 7/2/2025 |
Reading |
Week 5Homework Set - 7/2/2025 Homework Due In - 14/2/2025 |
English Homework | |
Week 6No homework for half term. |
Week 6Homework Set - 23/2/2024 Homework Due In - 28/2/2024 |
Reading |
Week 7Homework Set - 1/3/2024 Homework Due In - 6/3/2024 |
English Homework | |
Week 8Homework Set - 8/3/2024 Homework Due In - 13/3/2024 |
Reading |
Week 9Homework Set - 15/3/2024 Homework Due In - 20/3/2024 |
Reading |
Week 10Homework Set - 22/3/2024 Homework Due In - 27/3/2024 |
Geography Homework |
Summer Homework
Week Beginning | Main Homework | Extra Tasks |
Week 2
Avon Tyrrell |
Week 3Homework Set - 3/5/2024 Homework Due In - 8/5/2024 |
Reading |
Week 4Homework Set - 10/5/2024 Homework Due In - 15/5/2024 |
Reading |
Week 5Homework Set - 17/5/2024 Homework Due In - 22/5/2024 |
Reading |
Week 6Homework Set - 7/6/2024 Homework Due In - 12/6/2024 |
Sports Day Homework (Details on the maths sheet) |
Week 7Homework Set - 14/6/2024 Homework Due In - 19/6/2024 |
Reading |
Week 8Homework Set - 21/6/2024 Homework Due In - 26/6/2024 |
Reading |
Week 9Homework Set - 28/6/2024 Homework Due In - 3/7/2024 |
Reading |
Week 10Homework Set - 7/7/2023 Homework Due In - 12/7/2023 |
Reading |