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P.E. Curriculum

Physical Education Curriculum (Herne Junior School)Physical Education | Primary 6.23 Blog


At Herne Junior School, we aim to inspire and provide opportunities for pupils to become physically active and confident in a way which supports life-long health and fitness, both physically and mentally. Physical activity not only improves health, reduces stress and improves concentration, but also promotes correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and interaction with others.  Through our creative curriculum, we aim to promote a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle by developing children’s self-motivation, self-esteem and positive attitude towards health-related activities. Using both indoor apparatus (large and small) and our fantastic school grounds, we will encourage learners to participate in a wide range of physical activities and competitive sports. We will use links to our local and wider community to foster relationships between sports clubs and groups, and encourage children to participate in local events. We will provide opportunities for all children to engage in physical activities (competitive and non-competitive) which build resilience and help to embed values such as collaboration, honesty and respect.  We will use our Outdoor and Adventurous Activity (OAA) and teambuilding units to further teach and foster skills of problem solving and resilience, which are critical life skills for our children to become independent and confident adults.



At Herne Junior School, we implement a progressive PE curriculum that builds on prior knowledge and skills year on year. The PE curriculum is devised to be challenging, inspiring, creative and motivating to encourage active learning and participation. Our pupils will revisit PE skills and knowledge in order to embed and deepen their understanding. The lessons are carefully planned to ensure that all children are well supported in their learning and that opportunities for depth are planned for.  We ensure that external coaching organisations and visiting experts enhance the learning experiences for the children, providing an immersive and exciting curriculum. For example: Chance to Shine Cricket, Bikeability, Alex Danson - GB Olympic Gold Medallist, Women’s Hockey and Joe Truman (ex-Herne pupil) GB Commonwealth Silver Medallist Team-Sprint Cycling. Cross- curricular links are achieved alongside our PDL and Science units, looking at additional aspects to healthy living; such as medicines, hygiene and cleanliness, diet, relationships and the functions and skeleton of the human body. Our pupil’s learning focusses on a range of skills and activities linking to gymnastics, dance, football, tag-rugby, netball, basketball, hockey, cricket, rounders, stoolball, tennis, athletics, OAA and team building. Swimming is taught by local swimming coaches. A range of extra-curricular activities are offered, allowing children to further embed their skills and knowledge. These are either lunchtime or afterschool clubs run by teachers or by external coaches. E.g. cross-country running club, gymnastics, football club run by staff or basketball, netball, dodgeball, yoga run by external coaches. Many children go on to join local clubs and play a greater role in our local community, for example: a large number of our children are members of the local football, rugby, gymnastics, dance, squash and swimming clubs.


Herne also have House Sports Captain’s, selected by the senior leadership team and PE Subject leaders, who organise and manage inter-house sporting and playground activities which run at lunchtimes. These are open to all children and provide opportunities for them to be physically active during their break times. These might include skipping games, ball games (throwing and catching) or running activities. Herne also provide additional physical activities for our less active children or children who need additional support with the 10 key fundamental skills of PE. The culmination of the year’s PE teaching is Sports Day, when all parents and carers are invited to watch and be a part of the celebration of physical activity. Herne Junior School are also active participants in the Hampshire School Games programme and have repeatedly received Gold accreditation for participation and inclusiveness across a wide range of activities. Our children regularly participate in level 1, 2 and 3 level competitions and perform particularly well in girls’ football at the Hampshire Games.


Additionally, each year Herne hosts The Petersfield Infants School Sports day, when year 5 pupils collaborate with The Petersfield School  (local secondary school) Sports Leaders (year 9 and 10 students) and help with the running of events. Herne also link to other outside providers such as outdoor education centres (Avon Tyrrell), the Sustainability Centre, Ironbridge and Butser Ancient farm, where our pupils participate in activities to stretch, encourage, motivate and enhance skills such as resilience, collaboration, independence and problem solving. The local open-air swimming pool and Churcher’s College pool is used for swimming lessons in years 4 and 5. These are run by local coaches and often encourage the children to join the local swimming clubs.



When pupils leave Herne Junior School, they will have an appreciation and basic understanding of the benefits of a physical and healthy lifestyle and be equipped with the skills and knowledge to participate in a range of physical activities and sports. This applies to competitive and non-completive activities. Many children thrive in competitive situations, they are encouraged and motivated to represent their club in a particular sport going on to achieve great success while others will feel and be confident in their ability to remain physically fit, active and healthy. Their deepening knowledge will have helped them to understand how to lead a physically active and healthy life and they will have developed important personal skills such as independence, collaboration and respect to become resilient and lifelong learners.


“Physical Fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”

John F. Kennedy

Click here for our PE Medium Term Plans