Homework (Year 4)
Each week we will upload Year 4's homework onto this page as well as providing paper copies inside their homework book.
The children will continue to be given a number of spellings that they must learn and then apply. They will continue to use ‘Spelling Shed’ https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login. However, this method of practise is not compulsory. If you would prefer, they could practise them using any method they like, whether that’s writing them in their homework books (these will not be marked), using games, apps or practical activities. Please be aware that we will be assessing these spellings fortnightly and if the children are struggling to remember them, we may insist that they start to show us evidence of their practise.
The children must also continue to learn their times tables. It is essential that they know all of their times tables up to 12 x12, off by heart. Please spend time each evening helping your child learn these using a method of their choice. This can be through Times Tables Rock Stars: Play, apps, games, chanting etc. The children will continue to practise in class daily and assessed weekly.
The spellings (and maths sheets) will still be given out on a Friday and collected the following Friday where it is self or peer marked in class. If homework is not received, the children will be required to lose their values time until it is complete. Please note that homework should take approximately 1 hour a week, so please let us know if children are spending considerably longer on this.
Please see the termly Pre-Teach Posters for an overview of additional support that can be given at home.
Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Please check homework dates carefully.
Autumn Term Homework
Autumn 1 |
Homework Sheets |
Autumn 2 |
Homework Sheets |
Week 1 | Week 1 | ||
Week 2 | Week 2 | ||
Week 3 | Week 3 | ||
Week 4 | Week 4 | ||
Week 5 | Week 5 | ||
Week 6 |
Spring Term Homework
Spring 1 |
Homework Sheets |
Spring 2 |
Homework Sheets |
Week 1 (10/1/25) |
Week 1 |
Core Support |
Week 2 (17/1/25) |
Week 2 |
Core Support |
Week 3 (24/1/25) |
Week 3 |
Core Support |
Week 4 (31/1/25) |
Week 4 |
Core Support |
Week 5 (7/2/25) |
Week 5 |
Core Support |
Week 6 (14.2.25) Half-term homework |
Week 6 |
Core Support |
Week 7 |
Core Support |
Summer Term Homework
Summer 1 |
Homework Sheets |
Summer 2 |
Homework Sheets |